Procedures / Breast

Reductive Mastoplasty or reduction

This procedure seeks to reduce the volume or size of the breasts, size is often due to heredofamilial causes or alteration or hormonal changes.

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Societies Membership

  • International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

  • Federación Ibero Latinoamericana de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva (FILACP)

  • Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Plástica

  • Colegio Médico Dominicano

  • Sociedad Dominicana de Cirugía Plástica


"My co-workers, as the doctor who worked here in the USA. They have been amazed with my new look experienced in me, thank you. "

"Thank God I had the opportunity to meet and place confidence in you. Because after liposuction, I'm someone physically. Starting with my friends see me different. "

"Thanks Dr Holguin: I thank God for the excellent decision to take to have trusted you. Its personalized service and professionalism allows the entire process easier. Blessings. RC "

Reductive Mastoplastia or reduction

This procedure aims to reduce the volume or size of the breasts, size is often due to heredofamilial causes or alteration or hormonal changes.


Apply in patients who have discomfort with the size, as well as patients with problems arising from the weight of the breasts, as well as back pain, neck and shoulder and skin irritation. This is the number one goal to be achieved in patients seeking the surgery, besides the aesthetic point.

Surgical Procedure

The average time of 2 hours. Techniques vary, which makes it different approach as the scars. Anesthesia may be epidural or general.


Usually stay overnight at the clinic 1 night.


Avoid movement of the arms, exercises the first 4 weeks, lifting heavy objects, as well as car or handling machinery.

Possible Complications

Bleeding, infection, skin scars, fat necrosis, changes in sensation, delayed healing, asymmetry, breastfeeding. Women smokers should quit smoking 15 days before and 15 after surgery, it is best to leave the habit of smoking.

FaLang translation system by Faboba

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